
New Instructor on Bathala!

Alle News - Bathala - Malediven

Das Team Bathala rund um Lolo, Ingrid und Phillip bekam Unterstuetzung von Filitheyo. Thomas ein sehr netter und flippiger Typ wird dem Team bis Ende November etwas unter die Arme greifen. Wir wollen ihn recht herlich bei uns begruessen und wuenschen ihm viel Spass.

The team in Bathala, comprising Lolo, Ingrid and Phillip, are thankful for the support received from Filitheyo in the form of Thomas. Thomas is a pleasant and easy going instructor from Belgium, who will be part of the team until the end of November. We would herewith like to officially welcome him to Bathala and hope he enjoys his time with us as a member of our “family”.

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