
Vampire Frogfish

Alle News - Bathala - Malediven

Laurent kommt gerade von Male zurueck wo er die letzten 10 Tage im Krankenhaus verbringen musste. Nachdem er eine unglueckliche Begegnung mit einer neuen Art eines Vampir Frogfisch hatte. Leider konnten die Aerzte sein Bein nicht retten. Aber er hat sich schnell wieder Erholt,  und moechte so schnell wie moeglich wieder Tauchen. Wir wuenschen in alles Gute.

Laurent recently returned from Male where he spent the last 10 days in the hospital, following an unfortunate incident involving an attack by a new species of “vampire frogfish” in the lagoon. Unfortunately doctors were unable to save his leg and were forced to amputate. However, he has made a speedy recovery and is determined to continue diving. We wish him all the best.

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