
Glückwunsch zum 100sten Tauchgang / Congratulations on the 100th dive

Heute morgen stand unsere liebe Human Resort Managerin Vera wieder einmal um 4:30 auf, um mit uns zusammen den Early Morning Dive zu machen. Auf der Fahrt zu „Mantas&More“ verriet sie uns, das dies heute bereits ihr 100ster Tauchgang ist, wovon gefühlte 100 Tauchgänge Nacht- und Early Morning Tauchgänge sind 😉 Der Grund dafür ist, das die „Arme“ sonst kaum Zeit hatt mit uns zusammen zu tauchen. Wir gratulieren Vera ganz herzlich zu den ersten 100 Tauchgängen und freuen uns schon mit ihr, wenn es wieder heißt „Aufstehen Early Morning Dive“ 😀

Vera, our human resource manager on the island, was up again early this morning at 4:30 for yet another early morning dive. This time however, she informed us on the way to the dive site “Mantas & More” that this would be her 100th dive – most of which have either been early morning or night dives 😉 The reason for this is that due to work obligations, she otherwise has very little leisure time during the day for which she is able to join us for the “usual” diving excursions. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Vera once again on her 100th dive & look forward to doing more dives with her, even if it means getting up early for another “Early morning dive” 😀

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