
Nyepi – Silent day- balinese New Year

Alam Anda - all news - Bali

Alam Anda – 07.03.2019

Nyepi is the New Year for the Balinese. In Bali, people celebrate this special event with a two-day ceremony, which in fact is very different.

The day before Nyepi is Tawur Kesanga , which is a sort of Balinese New Year’s Eve. In almost every possible place offerings are made for the bhutas  and kalas, spirits which may attempt to interfere negatively with human life. On this day, locals will have a large procession walking from their villages to the sea or holy springs. In the evening of Wednesday, March 6th, huge paper “monsters” called Ogoh-Ogoh were carried around and burnt in a fire as a celebration.

Thursday, March 7th was Nyepi, the day of silence, prayer and meditation. Balinese people do not cook, drive or go outside their house at all. In fact even air traffic is blocked for this day.The reason is that in their belief evil spirits are passing over Bali and will leave the island alone when they cannot find anybody there.


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