
Canarian customs

Fuerteventura – 13.01.2020

In the Canary Islands, some customs and practices are somewhat different than in our areas.
December 24th is one of the holiest days, usually the evening is spent with the family.
There are delicious dishes, the whole family gathers and of course everyone receives gifts.
The Three Kings (Spanish: Reyes Magos) is the highlight of the Christmas celebrations.
On the eve of Three King’s Day, the Three Kings of the Oriente arrive on the island.
A very special day for children when they can expect their Christmas presents.
January 5 is comparable to Christmas Eve in Germany and January 6 is the highest Christmas holiday.
It is a wonderful festival where everyone gathers on the streets to celebrate the spectacle.
If you happen to be in the Canary Islands at this time, you should not miss this festival.


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