
Sardine Run

Nearly every year there is a spectacular happening in Atlantic Ocean. Between March and July a huge amounts of Sardines moving to the north for over 1000km and is also passing Fuerteventura. It is so huge that you can even see it from space.

Reason for this is the fusion of two different currents of seas. In the shallow water where the warm Indian and cold Atlantic Ocean are meeting the Sardines are spawning as soon as the temperature fits. Afterwards the fish starts moving to the north as a huge biomass.

During this period they are hunted by a pack of hungry bandits. You got the impression that the ocean is calling for a giant meal. Birds, sharks, seals, whales, dolfins and others are coming from far and near to leave everything just to join this feast. There is plenty for everyone. The swarms can reach a length of 15km and might be 1km wide moving directly under the surface. For sure a spectacle which is astonishing for all of our divers so far.

Sincerely your Werner Lau Fuerteventura Diving Center Team

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