
Booking Bathala directly at discounted rates!

Together with our hotel partner Planhotel we have prepared a special offer for all Werner Lau customers. From now on you can book at special rates directly on the resort's website with the following promo code: HTTPS://BATHALAMALDIVES.SANDIES-RESORTS.COM/SERVICES/WERNER-LAU-DC/
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Our Red Sea Specials

We have listed all our special offers for Egypt here. There are different options for you on offer – check yourself and let our team assist you with your individual programme.
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Desk Calendar 2020 – the winners have been chosen

The decission has been made and the winners of this year's competition have been announced. This year it was particularly difficult to make a decision. There were just too many wonderful underwater shots. Unfortunately we can only add 12 pictures to our desk calendar. The [...]
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Team appreciation

Blog Oasis – 31.05.2024 We would be nothing without our guests but we would also be nothing without our staff! These pictures are only a very small selection of our collegues, employees and friends. A huge thank you to everyone working hard in the front [...]
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Dive against debris

Blog Oasis – 30.04.2024 Before Nicole came to The Oasis team, she was actively diving in Switzerland. With a club called “Abfalltaucher” she took care of the rubbish in the swiss lakes. At the beginning of April, some of her friends who are also members [...]
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Underwater impressions

Blog Oasis – 20.02.2024 Our dear Nicole has taken some pictures underwater for you. Sending you many greetings from the sun!
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Happy new year

Blog Oasis - 01.01.2024 We hope you´ve had happy holidays and yesterday a very nice new year´s eve. All the best for 2024, we´re looking forward to seeing you again very soon!
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